For one who is a self starter
and finishes what one starts
For one
who has studied
and in the interim worked hard
For one who has set goals both
long range and short, for one
who has Dared Dream and
others dared to support
These words up above were
written for us all
For those who dare be different and stand uncommonly tall
So when life deals a blow
and the future seems on hold,
on, Press on,
be uncommonly bold
You've one life to live
and as your story unfolds
remember these words
"Gibran" once told;
"To understand the heart
and mind of a person look not
at what he (or she) has already achieved , but at what they
aspire to do"
These words of Gibran
are profound you see
because those who aspire still
If you must lose time,
let it not be in vain,
make each detour a challenge
and do not refrain,
always remember
hard as it may seem,
on the lips of the fair,
there appears your name!
1991 (copyright)
Dreams Die, so goes Greatness